Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Respnse to Olaudah Equiano

The atrocities committed by the whites of importing ships containing black slaves are unimaginable. Sometimes hundreds of slaves were crammed onto a boat being imported from Africa to South and North America. The demand for slaves at this time must have been very high according to the depictions of this time period. Olaudah Equiano was one very lucky black slave in the eighteenth century. He was imported from Africa and had to endure harsh conditions on the journey. I can't even imagine being packed into a confined space with so many people for a long period of time. It was so bad that Equiano recalls the smell being so "dangerous" that some had to get outside for air. Being without proper food, water and commodities caused most to die before they even reached their destination. I don't understand the Europeans/whites reasoning for the mistreatment of the slaves. The live slaves were so weak and brittle by the time they reached wherever they were destined to go. How did the whites think that they were going to do any labor if they could barely walk? I was so disgusted by the way the blacks were mistreated.

I really don't understand why the Europeans felt such a great gap between themselves and other races that they considered themselves superior. I hate the fact that the whites just expected the blacks to work without food or proper maintenance of health. If the whites were SMART they would have fed them and honored the fact that they have someone to do EVERYTHING for them for free! The whites are just arrogant, rude fools. They would have totally benefited from properly taking care of their slaves. If the slaves felt a sense of belonging and contentment with their owner they most likely would have done a considerably larger amount of work and the owners would have no issues with them.

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